Follow the Braid
Rocca Sinibalda (RI), Italy
june 24 to sep 24 2023
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Follow the Braid

Una boccata d'arte is back for its fourth edition.


20 villages, one for each region, welcome 20 italian and international artists.


Openings are held throughout Italy on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 June 2023.



Agnone (IS), Molise • Aquileia (UD), Friuli-Venezia Giulia • Belvì (NU), Sardegna • Castelvecchio di Rocca Barbena (SV), Liguria • Cetara (SA), Campania • Costozza - fraz. di Longare (VI), Veneto • Fosdinovo (MS), Toscana • Gardone Riviera (BS), Lombardia • Maruggio (TA), Puglia • Oira - fraz. di Crevoladossola (VB), Valle d'Aosta* • Petritoli (FM), Marche • Pietracamela (TE), Abruzzo • Pieve Tesino (TN), Trentino-Alto Adige • Pollina (PA), Sicilia • Rivello (PZ), Basilicata • Rocca Sinibalda (RI), Lazio • Santa Severina (KR), Calabria • Toscolano - fraz. di Avigliano Umbro (TR), Umbria • Travo (PC), Emilia-Romagna • Vermogno - fraz. di Zubiena (BI), Piemonte.



Mohsen Baghernejad Moghanjooghi • Jacopo Benassi • Simone Carraro • Stefanie Egedy • Judith Hopf • Invernomuto • Benjamin Jones • Laetitia KY • Ella Littwitz • Leonardo Meoni • Diego Miguel Mirabella • Raffaela Naldi Rossano • Arianna Pace • Mattia Pajè • Diego Perrone • Theodoulos Polyviou • Margherita Raso • Raghad Saqfalhait • Evita Vasiljeva • Serena Vestrucci


Ivorian artist Laetitia KY developed her project within Rocca Sinibalda by establishing a deep and direct relationship with all the places of the medieval village. Fundamental topos is the Castle called "of the Metamorphoses" for the frescoes clearly inspired by Ovid's famous text. The theme of metamorphosis has always been central to the artistic practice of KY, who uses her own hair as an expressive medium to create works in which she transforms herself from time to time, putting her work at the service of the feminist struggle: her hair is woven into symbolic images that claim women's rights, against patriarchy, violence and social impositions.

Follow the Braid is the title of the project where the artist has created a sculpture representing her on a 1:1 scale, placed in the center of the town's main square. The statue's hair is represented by long braided ropes of pitch black, which with a performative gesture will stretch, simulating "exstensions" used by KY herself in her art practice, winding and creeping through the streets of Rocca Sinibalda. Each braid leads to a hidden place where a portrait of the artist can be found, almost like a kind of treasure. Following the braids, one can discover all the photographs and see the different metamorphoses created by Laetitia KY for the village. In fact, in each one she has created with her hair figures inspired by details of the surrounding area, whether animal or plant. The set of works will symbolize the way women around the world are forced in many cases to transform, "metamorphose," making compromises depending on their environment.

In addition to the performance that will be performed live on June 25 at the opening, the artist has decided to donate her selection of books on feminist issues that will go to create the KY section in the Rocca Sinibalda library.

Laetitia Ky
Lis10 Gallery
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